Disclaimer: The letter linked below was written by me, Don Sommer, on May 9, 2000 to Richard Jordan because of a challenge by an associate of Jordan's to substantiate accusations made regarding the events surrounding his termination as the president of the Berean Bible Society in 1987.  Two copies of the letter were mailed to Mr. Jordan at that time, one via ordinary first class mail and one that required delivery confirmation.  According to post office records the letter was delivered to the address on the envelope. The text was also sent to Mr. Jordan's email address.  No acknowledgement of having received the correspondence was ever made by Mr. Jordan or anyone associated with his ministry at that time.

The file below was sent to Mr. Jordan on April 25, 2011 to inform him that it was going to be posted at this site and to offer an opportunity for rebuttal.  In response Mr. Jordan stated that he could not recall having ever seen the letter before and that it was "filled with both factual inaccuracies as well as interpretive misinformation."  No other details, however, were given.

Readers are encouraged to contact Mr. Jordan directly if they wish further clarification.

Letter to Richard Jordan May 9, 2000