The Statement of Faith
Prison Mission Association
Prison Mission Association is affiliated with the Grace Gospel Fellowship (GGF)
and in addition to the affirmations put forth in this statement of faith we also adhere to the doctrinal statement of the GGF.
We Believe In:
The Bible
The verbal and plenary inspiration of the original writings of the Bible and its
inerrancy as God's Word;
The Godhead
One God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
Jesus Christ and His Work
The deity, incarnation, virgin birth, and sinless humanity of Jesus Christ our Lord;
his substitutionary death on the cross as the atonement for man's sin; his bodily resurrection from the tomb; his ascension into heaven to sit at the Father's right hand; the imminent rapture of the church; and the personal, visible and pre- millennial return of Christ in power and great glory;
Creation and Fall of Man
The creation of man by the direct act of God and man's subsequent fall, as
revealed in the Genesis account;
Total Depravity of Man
The total inability of man to satisfy God by his own wisdom, strength and good
The power of Christ, by the grace of God, to save all men from the penalty of
sin through faith in his shed blood, and the gift of eternal life to those who believe;
Work of the Holy Spirit
The convicting, regenerating, baptizing, sealing, indwelling, sanctifying,
illuminating and empowering work of the Holy Spirit;
The Church
One true church, which is the body of Christ, composed of all regenerate
believers, whose mission is to be a witness to Jesus Christ, the head of the body, and to proclaim the gospel of reconciliation to the world;
The bodily resurrection of all men - the saved to everlasting glory in the presence
of Christ, the unsaved to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire with Satan and his minions.
Prison Mission Association
PO Box 2300
Port Orchard, WA 98366